sexta-feira, maio 15, 2009

Pode falir pode…

O presidente do banco BIC Portugal e ex-ministro da Indústria Mira Amaral disse, em conferência, em Lisboa, que “neste momento há um risco específico de empresas e países falirem. Portugal é um deles.
Há o risco de Portugal estoirar”, noticiou o Portugal Digital, citando o boletim electrónico Negócios Online.
De acordo com Mira Amaral, “há um problema de sustentabilidade da economia portuguesa”. Embora tenha considerado que o governo do primeiro-ministro José Sócrates “foi o melhor que apareceu nos últimos 10 anos”, o ex-ministro de Cavaco Silva, diz que o governo socialista, depois de um início em que “fez alguma coisa”, acabou “a marcar passo”.
O ex-titular da pasta da Indústria destacou que a dívida pública representa 75% do PIB, o que, a juntar aos passivos acumulados, aos encargos com parcerias público-privadas e ao peso do envelhecimento da população, dá um endividamento superior a 100%. “É um mix explosivo”, observou.
Com dívida baixa, um país pode acomodar um aumento na despesa. Não é o caso português, que, com mais despesa, perde competitividade fiscal.
Em sua opinião, as políticas de investimento público vão conduzir também ao aumento de stocks da dívida existente e ao encarecimento do endividamento futuro.
Portugal não fez o que devia:
“Reduzir a despesa”, disse o presidente do banco BIC Portugal, maioritariamente controlado por capitais angolanos.

Bem, Mira Amaral já fez o que podia por este sítio, ou por ele, afinal todos os que governam o sítio estam bem lançados na vida, mas não deixam de ter ao canto dos lábios aquela "nhanha" nojenta que não sei se é boca seca se é secura de boca.
O homem lá se esforça por dizer o que toda a gente sabe mais ou menos em surdina.

O povinho esse, espera pacientemente, que se vão arranjando uns dinheiritos para lhes pagar os subsídio de inserção ou de desemprego, enquanto que os ex deputados ou ex ministros também recebem um subsídio assim chamado vá-se lá saber porquê, afinal reinserção apenas deve ser exigido a quem esteve preso por crime, mas eles é que sabem de semântica.
Os outros todos, os que já foram presidentes desde o mais alto cargo ao mais baixo da hierarquia deste regime também recebem os seus subsídios ou pensões vitalícias pelos altos serviços prestados ao sítio.

Uma coisa é certa o défice no fim do ano estará lá pelos 10%, o desemprego acima dos 12% e a dívida superior aos 100% do PIB, palavra de Toupeira que nunca os enganou e que nisto do subprime lhes disse que afinal a crise existia e que o mercado era afinal uma coisa tipo casino, que o USD era uma moeda falsa e com valor inflacionado, porque quem detém o Fed ou Reserva Federal são os banqueiros dos maiores bancos mundiais e americanos, com direito a imprimir dinheiro, ou melhor colocar milhares de milhões nos terminais de computadores, sem dar satisfação ao Governo Federal, desde o tempo a seguir á morte de J.P.Morgan, no tempo de Mr Wilson.
Decerto irão mudar de mão, afinal o velho David Rockefeller faz 94 anos em Junho e não parece ter sucessor à altura dos grandes feitos conseguidos até agora, para mal dos nossos pecados, mas para bem do grupo de ratazanas de que faz parte.

"In 2003, master spider David Rockefeller was 88 years old, so today," he'll be 94 in June. "(W)herever we look, his central command is seen to be fading. Neither is there a capable successor in sight to take over the reigns....Corruption is rife....Rivalry is breaking up the empire."
"What has been good for Rockefeller, has been a curse for the United States. Its citizens, government and country indebted to the hilt, enslaved to his banks...
The country's industrial force lost to overseas in consequence of strong dollar policies (pursued for bankers not the country....)"
”With Rockefeller leaving the scene, sixty years of dollar imperialism (is ending)....The day of financial reckoning is not far off any longer....With Rockefeller's strong hand losing its grip and the old established order fading, the world has entered a most dangerous transition period, where anything could (and may) happen.
"Consider also the possibility that the "spider" moved to London where a "navy of pirate hedge funds....rule the world out of Cayman Islands" - an "epicenter for globalization and financial warfare" run by "Anglo-Dutch oligarchy" chosen officials allied with major global banks and shadow financial system players.But even best laid plans at times fail, given how vulnerable even major banks are from their derivatives bets.
As gold expert Adrian Douglas observed:
The system is so corrupted that if huge bets go wrong, the giants "have no other choice (than) to manipulate the price of underlying asset prices to prevent financial ruin....Instead of stopping this idiotic sham business from growing to galactic proportions, they've let it spin out of control (placing them) all on the hook....(This) sham is coming unglued because the huge excess liquidity (in the system ballooned to) asset bubbles all over the place.
"He concluded that when derivatives buyers catch on to the scam and "quit paying premiums for insurance that doesn't exist, (they'll be) a whole new definition of volatility....the financial equivalent of a hurricane Katrina hitting every US city on the same day....When the bubble(s collapse), the banking empire....built on (them) must collapse as well."To fend it off, Wall Street and its European partners are using desperate measures, "including a giant derivatives bubble that is jeopardizing the whole shaky system.
" In a February 2004 article called "The Coming Storm," the London Economist warned that "top banks around the world are now massively exposed to high-risk derivatives (posing a systemic) risk of an industry-wide meltdown.
"John Hoefle believes that "the Fed has been quietly rescuing banks ever since. (He) contends that the banking system went bankrupt in the late 1980s, with the collapse of the junk bond market and the real estate bubble.
" The S & L crisis was "just the tip of the iceberg."
The Fed secretly took over Citicorp in 1989," arranged shotgun mergers for other giant banks, back door bailouts, and "bank examiners were ordered to ignore bad loans. These measures, coupled with a headlong rush into derivatives and other forms of speculation gave banks a veneer of solvency while actually destroying what was left of the US banking system.
"It got in trouble because big gambles failed, including Third World debt defaults as well as Enron and other corporate bankruptcies. Giant US banks "are masters at....counting trillions of dollars of worthless IOUs (like derivatives) on their books at face value (to make it look like they're) solvent."Between 1984 - 2002, takeovers papered over failures by reducing bank numbers nearly in half and consolidating the top seven into three - Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, and Bank of America.
According to Hoefle:"The result of all these mergers is a group of much larger, and far more bankrupt giant banks. (A) similar process played out worldwide." He added that "zombies have now taken over the asylum" and writer Michael Edward agreed in a 2004 article titled:
"Cooking the Books - US Banks Are Giant Casinos (engaging in) smoke and mirror accounting," then merging with each other to conceal their derivatives losses with "paper asset" bookkeeping. It means that "US banks have become (a giant) Ponzi scheme paying account holders with other account holder assets or deposits" - robbing Peter to pay Paul but promising to end very badly.Does this "mark the inevitable end times of a Ponzi scheme that is inherently unstable?" Perhaps private banking as well, replaced by pension and mutual funds, and others able to operate efficiently at low cost.Battling back, giants expanded into investment banking with repeal of Glass-Steagall, but profits continued to fall as the economic downturn accelerated, resulting in investment banks converting to commercial ones and retrenching temporarily from core businesses like M & A and corporate lending.
"Meanwhile, banking as a public service has been lost to the all-consuming quest for profits," the very strategy getting giants in trouble and needing periodic government bailouts.Very few of their services involve "taking deposits, providing checking services, and making consumer or small business loans." Instead, they concentrate on "dubious practices" responsible for a giant Ponzi scheme with "the entire economy in its death grip.
" They created a "perilous derivatives bubble that has generated billions of dollars in short-term profits but has destroyed the financial system in the process."The "too big to fail" concept resulted from the S & L crisis when many of them collapsed and Citibank lost half its value. In 1989, Congress passed the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act, bailing S & Ls out with taxpayer money. It was a brushfire compared to today's global conflagration, making it far harder to contain and effectively teetering all banks on bankruptcy. Considering the damage they've done, it's time to cut them loose and let them survive or fail on their own. And if the latter, it will be a major step toward restoring economic health overall.Banking services can more efficiently be provided than by parasites using us as their food source.
"The irony is that our economic system is built on an illusion. We have been tricked into believing we are inextricably mired in debt, when the 'debt' was for an advance of 'credit' that was ours all along." It's high time we reclaimed it.”

Mudando de assunto, de certo modo:
Onde estará o nosso querido Presidente do Conselho, depois da Madeira, terá ido ver a Acrópole?
De qualquer das formas a crise já cá estava e todos, mesmo os reciclados do BE são responsáveis por ela, os vermelhos igual e dos outros nem se fala… Vejam, como pela calada, em uníssono aprovaram a lei de financiamento das quadrilhas autorizadas a tomar conta do dinheiro do estado do sítio.
A solução, já vai longe e era não haver eleições, no entanto o Presidente desta República, fez um trocadilho com justiça e just ou lá o que foi, o homem achou graça, eu nem por isso.
O homem quis dar uma lição de economia ao turcos, eu nem o queria para contabilista se tivesse uma tasca de esquina de 3ª categoria.
Assim, no caso em apreço, as eleições só teriam benefício se fossem antecipadas, mas passou o tempo e depois das mesmas, de facto, o sítio será isso mesmo, um sítio, como Angola, a Guiné ou outro sítio assim, nem comparável à falida Islândia.
Vai uma aposta?


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