quarta-feira, agosto 02, 2006


"Síria e Israel "testam" defesas secretamente. A mesma autoridade, cuja identidade e país representado não serão revelados, declarou que não estava preocupada apenas com os indícios de nova frente de guerra, mas com a disposição do governo de Damasco de "jogar este jogo". "A Síria "permite" a ação na região das colinas de Golã. O governo sírio oficialmente silencia, mas deixa outros "fazerem o trabalho sujo".

"Entre esses "outros" - esclarece o diplomata europeu - está incluído o recém constituído "Exército de Libertação de Golã", que possui bases na Síria, de onde lança mísseis contra o território israelense".

A avaliação é de que esta organização - totalmente controlada pelo governo sírio - também está "testando" a defesa e as resistências de Israel. Assim, também proporciona o álibi perfeito se Israel decidir abrir uma nova frente de guerra contra a Síria, expandindo o conflito no Oriente Médio
(leia completo aqui).
Não é de descartar a hipótese da Síria estar militarmente preparada para voltar a atacar Israel.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

A Multinational Force Would Be an Occupation That Should Be Met With Resistance

An editorial in the Syrian government daily Al-Ba'th, titled "International Force or New Occupation?" read: "Whoever thinks that the presence of international forces on Lebanese soil is the solution is wrong - since these forces, in the eyes of the resistance fighters and in the nationalist and pan-Arab view, would be occupation forces, like the forces that have occupied Iraq and other places in the world.

leiam o artigo em:


quarta-feira, agosto 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Libyan Reformist Author in Essays Critical of Hizbullah

Dr. Muhammad Al-Huni, a Libyan intellectual and author who resides in Italy (and who is close to Sayf Al-Islam, the son of Libyan leader Mu'ammar Al-Qaddafi), recently wrote a series of articles, dated July 16, July 22, and July 26, 2006, for the liberal website Elaph.com. In them, he criticized Hizbullah and Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, and accused them of serving Iran and Syria's interests.

O primeiro artigo começa assim:

"After the liberation of southern Lebanon, Hassan Nasrallah could have gone down in history as one of the Arab leaders who fought against the occupation of their homeland. This could have been the case if he had settled for driving out the occupation... But Hizbullah is fighting in southern Lebanon in the name of the Lebanese, and with their blood, in order to expropriate [from them] the symbolic capital of the heroic struggle for the liberation [of their country] and in order to put them in the service of Iran's and Syria's regime of oppression. These events, which came after [Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon], exposed this fact, and Hizbullah's latest action is the greatest proof of this...

"Nasrallah became intoxicated from the victory he achieved in those fine days, and thought that he was not just the commander of a militia, but rather the leader of an important nation...

leiam mais em:


quarta-feira, agosto 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

In the last few days senior Iranian and Syrian officials, including Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, have stepped up their statements on the war, with the Syrian regime's mouthpieces in the media following suit.

The following are excerpts:

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander: We Must Keep the Hatred of America Burning in Our Hearts Until the Moment of Revenge Arrives

(Middle East Media Research Institute)

E têm Eco em Portugal

quarta-feira, agosto 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

A antipatia internacional é bem alimentada! Existe um interesse mórbido por parte de cadeias de comunicação em ver lá problemas! E sei do que falo, pois estive muitos anos ligado a uma! Soube que chegaram a pagar a miúdos árabes para atirar pedras aos israelitas, para haver alguma "acção"! A acção destas empresas, não permite ver a realidade, nem acabar com a guerra! Dão muitas audiências!

quarta-feira, agosto 02, 2006  

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