segunda-feira, setembro 18, 2006


"1/ O grupo armado iraquiano Jaich al-mujaidine ameaçou, este sábado, atacar Roma e o Vaticano devido às declarações do Papa Bento XVI sobre o Islão e a guerra santa, noticia a Lusa. "Prometemos destruir a sua Cruz no coração de Roma (...) e que o Vaticano seja atingido e chorado pelo seu papa. (ler no PD)"

2/ Homens armados não identificados mataram ontem a tiro uma freira italiana e um guarda em Mogadíscio (ler aqui).

Razão tem o xeque de Al-Azahr, Mohamed Sayyed Tantaui (ler aqui). Somente uma clara ignorância sobre o Islão permitem ver indícios de violência nestas “ameaças”.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Equivalências morais...

Há sempre gente capaz de tentar fazer comparações entre terroristas e os governos que os combatem. E, claro, para esses, normalmente, George Bush é mais terrorista do que o osama Bin Laden.

Mas, depois, vemos notícias como esta. Afinal, os EUA, esses grandes terroristas, recusam-se a bombardear mais de 190 talibãs alinhados em parada apenas e só porque eles estavam a assistir a um funeral? É por estas e por outros que a guerra contra o terrorismo é difícil de ganhar: é que as democracias têm regras, os terroristas não. Ainda recentemente os talibãs fizeram um ataque num funeral. As vítimas eram civis na sua maioria. Os EUA recusaram-se a bombardear combatentes. Sempre há algumas diferenças, não?

De O Insurgente

segunda-feira, setembro 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

...."In Christianity, God is inseparable from reason. "In the beginning was the Word," the pope quotes from the Gospel according to John. "God acts with logos. Logos means both reason and word," he explained. "The inner rapprochement between Biblical faith and Greek philosophical inquiry was an event of decisive importance not only from the standpoint of history of religions, but also from that of world history. . . . This convergence, with the subsequent addition of the Roman heritage, created Europe."

The question raised by the pope is whether this convergence has taken place in Islam as well. He quotes the Lebanese Catholic theologist Theodore Khoury, who said that "for Muslim teaching, God is absolutely transcendent, his will is not bound up with any of our categories." If this is true, can there be dialogue at all between Islam and the West? For the pope, the precondition for any meaningful interfaith discussions is a religion tempered by reason: "It is to this great logos, to this breadth of reason, that we invite our partners in the dialogue of cultures," he concluded.

This is not an invitation to the usual feel-good interfaith round-tables. It is a request for dialogue with one condition--that everyone at the table reject the irrationality of religiously motivated violence. The pope isn't condemning Islam; he is inviting it to join rather than reject the modern world.
By their reaction to the pope's speech, some Muslim leaders showed again that Islam has a problem with modernity that is going to have to be solved by a debate within Islam. The day Muslims condemn Islamic terror with the same vehemence they condemn those who criticize Islam, an attempt at dialogue--and at improving relations between the Western and Islamic worlds--can begin."


terça-feira, setembro 19, 2006  

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