quinta-feira, setembro 14, 2006

Shame of the Nato Cowards.

BBC News:

No formal offers have been made by Nato states in response to requests by commanders in Afghanistan for 2,500 extra troops, Nato says.

Members are meeting in Belgium amid pressure from the International Security Assistance Force, which is fighting in southern Afghanistan.

Of the above, it's the US, UK, Canada, and the Dutch who have have been at the nasty end of things. Germany's rules of engagement prevent deployment to the dangerous south of the country, and likewise France, Italy and Spain (amongst others) don't want to get involved where it really matters.

Meanwhile, non-Nato Australia continues to kick ass:

DURING nine days of fierce fighting in southern Afghanistan, Australian special forces killed more than 150 Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters and suffered just six men wounded.

Then again, Australia has a proper leader
. "

From Drinking from Home.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Os islamo-fascistas de Portugal tudo fazem para acobardar ainda mais a Europa.

Porque sera????

quinta-feira, setembro 14, 2006  
Blogger zab said...

"...don't want to get involved where it really matters."

pois, não faltará muito para que a morte de talibans pelas forças ocidentais, provoque uma onda de indignação...nada como os aussies para fazerem os dirty jobs...sim, realmente é uma questão de líderes.


sexta-feira, setembro 15, 2006  

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