The Dreams of Ahmadinejad, Hamas, and Nasrallah.
"July 26: The Dreams of Ahmadinejad, Hamas, and Nasrallah "Bring Nothing but Massacres and Unbalanced Wars"
"In southern Libya... there was a dervish by the name of 'Abdallah bin Mas'ud, who had disciples and students. One morning Sheikh bin Mas'ud gathered together his disciples and said to them: 'I dreamt that the infidels' weapons have "gone cold" - meaning they are no longer deadly - and thus I have decided that we will attack the French Army's fortress with cold arms.' Many of the dervishes who were his students went after him, armed with knives, scythes, and swords, and attacked the French fortress in Sabha, the capital of the south. The French destroyed them all, to the last man...
"The latest dream [of this kind] was that of the president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, who said in a speech that was broadcast on Iranian television in Mashad that Iran's joining the group of nations with nuclear technology derives from the Iranian nation's struggle, which is making a step forward towards the coming of the awaited mahdi (Al-Watan magazine, May 5, 2006). So Iran needs to manufacture a nuclear bomb before that time, in order to help the mahdi eliminate the infidels and the polytheists...
"[Ahmadinejad] found people who believe him in the Hamas movement, and especially Khaled Mash'al... The awaited mahdi is coming, so why then defile the struggle with negotiations with Israel or with recognition of it? It may be that Mr. Mash'al hasn't noticed that he [himself] will be among those doomed to perdition, since he isn't a Shi'ite.
"It appears that Hassan Nasrallah [also] believed this prophecy, since he says that there is nothing called Israel on the world map, that he does not recognize the international community, and that he attributes no importance to the U.N. The awaited mahdi is about to come. He will wipe out Israel and the Sunnis, the Christians, and the Druze of Lebanon, and he [i.e. Nasrallah] will be the Imam's viceroy in all of Greater Syria...
"These dreams and prophecies are madness, that bring nothing but massacres and unbalanced wars with foreign [forces]... If it were only these leaders who became possessed with this madness, then things would not be as bad as they are. But the majority of the public have been swept after them.
"The large public that supported Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait and believed that he would redistribute the Arab wealth to all of the Arabs was surprised at the reality on the day that Saddam was defeated, although they did not admit it. This is a public that believed, relying on the analysis of the Al-Jazeera channel's experts, that Saddam Hussein would deliver a humiliating defeat to the United States. When Baghdad fell, this public came up against the bitter reality, but to this day it has not owned up to the truth. It pins all its hopes on the defeat of Israel, and seriously believes that Mr. Nasrallah will defeat it...
"In a short time, the public will understand that they have seen another mirage - but then it will look for another leader to give them what they are missing... [another] fantasy."
Mais aqui.
"In southern Libya... there was a dervish by the name of 'Abdallah bin Mas'ud, who had disciples and students. One morning Sheikh bin Mas'ud gathered together his disciples and said to them: 'I dreamt that the infidels' weapons have "gone cold" - meaning they are no longer deadly - and thus I have decided that we will attack the French Army's fortress with cold arms.' Many of the dervishes who were his students went after him, armed with knives, scythes, and swords, and attacked the French fortress in Sabha, the capital of the south. The French destroyed them all, to the last man...
"The latest dream [of this kind] was that of the president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, who said in a speech that was broadcast on Iranian television in Mashad that Iran's joining the group of nations with nuclear technology derives from the Iranian nation's struggle, which is making a step forward towards the coming of the awaited mahdi (Al-Watan magazine, May 5, 2006). So Iran needs to manufacture a nuclear bomb before that time, in order to help the mahdi eliminate the infidels and the polytheists...
"[Ahmadinejad] found people who believe him in the Hamas movement, and especially Khaled Mash'al... The awaited mahdi is coming, so why then defile the struggle with negotiations with Israel or with recognition of it? It may be that Mr. Mash'al hasn't noticed that he [himself] will be among those doomed to perdition, since he isn't a Shi'ite.
"It appears that Hassan Nasrallah [also] believed this prophecy, since he says that there is nothing called Israel on the world map, that he does not recognize the international community, and that he attributes no importance to the U.N. The awaited mahdi is about to come. He will wipe out Israel and the Sunnis, the Christians, and the Druze of Lebanon, and he [i.e. Nasrallah] will be the Imam's viceroy in all of Greater Syria...
"These dreams and prophecies are madness, that bring nothing but massacres and unbalanced wars with foreign [forces]... If it were only these leaders who became possessed with this madness, then things would not be as bad as they are. But the majority of the public have been swept after them.
"The large public that supported Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait and believed that he would redistribute the Arab wealth to all of the Arabs was surprised at the reality on the day that Saddam was defeated, although they did not admit it. This is a public that believed, relying on the analysis of the Al-Jazeera channel's experts, that Saddam Hussein would deliver a humiliating defeat to the United States. When Baghdad fell, this public came up against the bitter reality, but to this day it has not owned up to the truth. It pins all its hopes on the defeat of Israel, and seriously believes that Mr. Nasrallah will defeat it...
"In a short time, the public will understand that they have seen another mirage - but then it will look for another leader to give them what they are missing... [another] fantasy."
Mais aqui.
Por verificar que há aqui comentadores que veneram os Islâmicos, ofereço bilhetes só de ida para o Irão ou Síria desde que nunca mais retornem a Portugal. Ahaha, então não querem ir. FORÇA ISRAEL.
Gostava que me explicassem, até porque já estive em 4 guerras, como, mas como, se defende um povo, sem reagir? E depois os "doutrinados" andam aos gritos a chamar auto-defensa de massacres! Sabem por ventura o que é um massacre? Alguma vez viram pessoas mortas com mãos atadas e um tiro na cabeça? Muitas delas, apenas para gozo e divertimento do "pessoal"? Agora, imaginem-se lá! Líricos!
Os terroristas àrabes têm a capacidade de fazer seus quarteis generais em escolas, hospitais e prédios de residências civis, sem contar que transportam armamentos em ambulâncias, e em barrigas falas de grávidas nas mulheres. O mundo deveria ficar indignado com essas coisas e não ficar contra Israel que tenta de tudo para evitar a sofrer ataques.
Israel mais não faz do que se defender. Defender os Árabes fica bem(?!?) numa determinada faixa da sociedade, mas é preciso honestidade mental para se criticar Israel e é isso que falta a quem ataca e crítica esse povo. Têm culpas? Até pode ser que sim mas ... e os outros? Barreiro
ISRAEL, se não matas morres. Como dizem estes animais arabes é a guerra contra os "cruzados". Os xiitas são verdadeiros criminosos e cobardes porque se escudam atrás da população. Sei do que falo pois tenho um familiar Libanes "ortodoxo" e que mesmo ele tem medo do que lhe possa acontecer. O exército Libanes não mexe um dedo por instruções das Chefias Políticas. Um xiita é um assassino em potência!
Um árabe nunca admitira a nossa forma de viver e mais grave obriga-nos, na sua terra, a seguir as suas normas. Um mulher europeia sem véu é cuspida e insultada. Gostam deles vão para lá viver.
Truques e manha são os argumentos desta gente! Inclusive daqueles que os apoiam! Quando falam parece que não estamos a falar de terroristas. Mas de coitadinhos, que nem armas têm, e coitadinhos são tão bonzinhos que dão comidinha aos pobres, são voluntários nas desgraças do mundo, etc! Como se fossemos parvos e não víssemos carniceiros! Mais de 90% dos problemas do M.O., nada têm haver com Israel!
Não é preciso ser Sherlock Holmes, para levantar algumas dúvidas em relação a Qana. 1º pq não saíram as pessoas de dentro dos escombros? Há imagens onde se vê claramente a pseudo equipe de resgate, entrar por entre os escombros. 2º Existe o facto histórico de naquela localidade, ter sido outrora vítima de um massacre. Agora só juntar e a resposta fica clara: 1º pq levaram pessoas com alguma deficiência, depois lançaram os mísseis do topo do edifício. Força Israel!
Ahmadinejad tem lugar cativo no Júlio de Matos, de onde governará a Europa dentro de alguns anos.
Ahmadinejad não tem lugar no Júlio de Matos. O lugar dele é no cemitério!!!!
Os pro-arabes que ecoam loas aos "inocentes e bons resistentes" ficam muito satisfeitos com declarações destas.
Guardian Council Head Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati: All Muslims Must Provide Military Aid to Hizbullah
Iranian Guardian Council head Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati told the Iranian students news agency ISNA that the war of the Zionist regime in Lebanon paralleled the Ashura. [4] He emphasized the Shi'ite aspect of the war, and Hizbullah's role as defender of Shi'ites today. Ayatollah Jannati further called for all Muslims to provide military aid to Hizbullah. The following are excerpts from the ISNA report:
"Hizbullah is, in effect, [an organization of] supporters of God, Ali, and the house of Ali. All people in the world have a duty to maintain this supporter. The best support for God is supporting Islam's war against the infidels. I hope that I will live to see the celebrations of the victory of Islam over the infidels.
"The war against the Zionist regime in Lebanon is parallel to the Ashura, as Yazid thought that he would triumph after he led to the death of Imam Hussein - when [actually] at Karbala the sons of Umayya took their greatest defeat [- and thus it will be with the Zionist regime]. [5]
"Even though the entire Western and Eastern world [both] supported Iraq in the [Iran-Iraq] war, and no one supported Iran, we managed to win, with God's help.
"Today too it can be expected that the Muslim countries will not refuse [to provide] all kinds of aid, particularly military, medical, and food aid, to Hizbullah and the Lebanese people, and even to bring the wounded for treatment in the neighboring countries."
He added that "[Hizbullah leader] Hassan Nasrallah is the man of the century, because he alone stands facing the wild attacks of the Zionist regime." [6]
E ainda há quem, estupidamente, continue a dizer que são os judeus que fazem uma guerra religiosa.
Amigo Assur, apreciou a rubrica multi(cultural)?
Rice quer ir ao fundo do problema.
A declaração de Balfour é uma das raízes do problema e o que se lhe seguiu depois da criação de um estado não laico na Palestina, Israel.
Israel é um estado baseado na religião, isto é um facto, como é o Irão. Aqui usar os termos de democracias é relativo.
Deve continuar a se incentivar a guerra porque sempre foi a solução para os problemas criados pelas potências ocidentais responsáveis pela criação dos estados da região, há que gastar os stocks de armamento que decerto estarão no prazo limite, uns obsoletos outros a esperar o modelo mais actual.
Não são fantasias, cada um reza como mandam os seus deuses, uns batem com a cabeça na parede, ou elevam os braços aos céus, outros viram-se para a pedra negra e dobram-se perante o seu Deus, todos fazem jejuns e cumprem os seus dias sagrados, todos temem o seu Deus. De todos estes, os que ganham com as desgraças, vêm passar uns dias de libertinagem onde o champagne francês corre e as mulheres ou os catamitos cumprem as suas funções convenientemente pagos, do outro lado regozijam com os lucros das suas especulações, por que os pretos deles que defendam os ideais do seu estado, para onde querem ir para cumprir o que dizem as escrituras, mas depois de velhos e afastados dos negócios.
Prefiro a velha Europa, porque a actual não existe e já foi assimilada.
O artigo é de pormenor e espremido dá o sumo de um limão seco, já apodrecido.Aguardo os insultos...
Toupeira diz que Israel é um Estado religioso tal como o Irão.
Tem a certeza que faz uma comparação justa? Ou essa afirmação foi aprendida de ouvido?
Uma ajudinha ao camarada toupeira, que ainda nao notou que nao ha eco no vacuo.
1 - Israel has no constitution; it is governed under the 1948 Declaration of Establishment as well as parliamentary and citizenship laws.
2 - Religion in Israel is unique in that Israel is the only country in which Judaism is the religion of the majority of citizens. Israel is an explicitly Jewish state, both ethnically and religiously. Israel's official policy is to preserve this aspect of the country's character. However, Israel IS NOT a theocracy and other religions are respected. According to the Israeli Ministry of Interior, 77% of the population states their religion as Judaism, 16% as Islam, and the remainder as Christianity or unclassified.
2 - Most Jewish Israelis classify themselves as "secular" (hiloni) or as "traditional" (masorati). The former term is more popular among Israeli families of European origin, and the latter term among Israeli families of Oriental origin (i.e. Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa). The latter term, as commonly used, has nothing to do with the official "Masorti" (Conservative Judaism) movement in the State of Israel. There is ambiguity in the ways these two terms are used. They often overlap, and they cover an extremely wide range of ideologies and levels of observance.
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