domingo, fevereiro 27, 2005

27 de Fevereiro - Equirria.

Dia de significado religioso e militar, cujos ritos executados envolvem a purificação do exército. Este dia é dedicado a Marte, tal como é o mês inteiro de fevereiro. Este é o primeiro dia da Equirria, o segundo realiza-se a 14 de março. A Equirria consistem em famosas corridas de cavalo em honra de Marte no Campius Martius (o campo de Marte). Romulus instituiu esta tradição para começar o ano sacral. Segundo Lesley Adkins and Roy A. Adkins in their Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome: "Chariot racing was the oldest and most popular entertainment in the Roman world, dating back to at least the monarchy and in legend to the founding of Rome itself .... Chariot racing was very expensive and was run for profit as a highly organized business. There were four racing factions in Rome, the blues, greens, whites and reds, which were the colors worn by the charioteers. Successful charioteers became rich and famous, and portrayals of them in sculpture, mosaic, and molded glassware have survived, sometimes with their names. There was great rivalry among the factions, sometimes leading to violence among their supporters, but the greens and blues were usually the favorites."



Anonymous Anónimo said...

Keep up the good work »

sexta-feira, abril 27, 2007  

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