sábado, agosto 19, 2006

Alvo: Ocidente.

"A polícia alemã anunciou este sábado a detenção de um dos dois suspeitos dos atentados falhados de 31 de Julho, que tinham por alvo estações ferroviárias da Renânia, escreve a «Lusa». Em causa estão as malas com engenhos explosivos encontradas nas estações ferroviárias de Dortmund e de Koblenz a 31 de Julho, uma no comboio regional que liga Aachen a Hamm e outra no comboio que fazia o trajecto Moenchengladbach-Coblenza. Os engenhos não explodiram devido a um erro de manipulação, segundo a polícia alemã."


Blogger Bigmac said...

Os sorrisos

Tempo há para rir.
Tempo há para ouvir.
Para ouvir e sorrir há que sentir.
Para sentir há que tudo ouvir.
Muitos sentem mas não ouvem ou não querem ouvir.
Muitos riem mas não sentem, não conseguem.
Mas que gente é esta?
Onde estou?
Com quem posso falar?
Podemos trocar sorrisos?
Das poucas coisas que trocamos ficando sempre com dois.

sábado, agosto 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Um pirolito a quem adivinhar qual o forum portugues da internet que tem, como controladores da opiniao, um catolico, um laico e um ateu?

Dou uma ajuda. TODOS eles sao unanimes em advogar a exterminacao dos judeus e o desaparecimento de Israel.

Va!!!! Ecoem por aqui as vossas respostas.

domingo, agosto 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Three years ago no one was talking about profiling at airports. Now the British are exploring how best to do it. Indeed, one of the stranger developments in recent memory is now taking place the world over: Young, Middle-Eastern, Muslim men are eyed and studied by passengers at every airport — even as governments still lecture about the evils of the very profiling that their own millions are doing daily. Muslims can thank al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and an entire culture that won’t condemn terrorism for such ostracism, which only increases with each suicide bomber, human shield, hijacking, kidnapping, and macabre reference to genocide and Jew-killing.

In an amorphous war of self-induced Western restraint, like the present one, truth and moral clarity are as important as military force. This past month, the world of the fascist jihadist and those who tolerate him was once again on display for civilization to fathom. Even the most timid and prone to appeasement in the West are beginning to see that it is becoming a question of “the Islamists or us.”

In this eleventh hour, that is a sort of progress after all.

Em O Insurgente http://oinsurgente.blogspot.com/

domingo, agosto 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

tirem 5 milhoes de judeus do sitio onde não nasceram e darao pax a 500 milhoes e ao mundo
Nada mais logico
sò diskuto akilo que não sei
Oke sei ENSINO ( nunca diskuto )
i pouco barulho !!!!

domingo, agosto 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

It always used to be said that those who can, do – and those who can’t, teach. Updating that pithy little saying, it seems now that people who can’t simply join the EU diplomatic corps (unless they’re already employed by the UN) and talk about other people doing things.

And no, just for once, I'm not talking about Lebanon – not yet at any rate – but Sudan. Believe it or not, we last wrote about this troubled region last April, a weary cry that predicted that nothing much would improve after the then attempt at brokering a cease fire.

Sure enough, nothing much has changed with the killing still going on and the EU bleating about the warring parties in Darfur needing to “respect” the latest, two-month old peace deal for the region.

It's funny how they always use that word "respect" when they surely mean "obey", but that word is too hard-edged for EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana. After all, if he did utter such a word, it might imply an "…or else", to which the answer might well be, "you and whose army"?

Any such defiance might be easily bolstered by the sight of the photograph we have published above, showing the latest French Army reinforcements storming into Lebanon to enforce the cease fire – all 49 of them.

Alright, that means that there are another 151 to follow – a prospect that, far from striking terror into the hearts of Hezbolla or any wannabe terrorist group can only invite mirth.

Yet, when I wrote about Darfur last, I suggested that:

…the greatest humanitarian need in this part of Africa is a body of disciplined men with guns and orders to shoot to kill … However, as long as the US is effectively neutralised by the Middle East, and by "world" opinion which would only condemn American intervention, the only credible force available must come from Europe.

That will not happen, since "Europe" has neutralised itself. It is incapable of finding the political will for muscular intervention, which means that hundreds of thousands more Africans must die. The tragedy is that, not only is the slaughter now virtually pre-ordained, much of it will be unreported while the "world" continues with its obsessive condemnation of the US as it tries to stop the slaughter in the Middle East.
And indeed, unreported it is, not least by this blog which, like so many others, has been obsessed with affairs in the Middle East.

That, perhaps, is the hidden cost of the recent and still unresolved Lebanon issue but the longer-term cost might be even greater. For all the world to see – and mock – on display is the hollowness of European military aspirations, naked in tooth and claw. When the chips are down, a Continent that once fielded armies of millions can only manage a rusty landing craft, a brace of armoured personnel carriers and 49 men.

Weep now Javier Solana – it ain't going to get any better. Your bluff has been called.

domingo, agosto 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

É normal a raiva, quando se é corrido de todo o sítio (forum), por comportamento degradante.

quarta-feira, agosto 23, 2006  

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