domingo, agosto 20, 2006


"Jihad Azour, ministro das Finanças libanês, anunciou ontem que a reabilitação das infra-estruturas destruídas pela ofensiva israelita começará na próxima semana.Entretanto, o Hezbollah libanês já está a dar apoio financeiro para a reconstrução de habitações e lojas, destruídas pelas armas de Israel nos subúrbios da capital do Líbano."

Não há nada no mundo melhor que este tipo de mecenas benfeitores. Sempre muito preocupados com o bem-estar das populações. E depois dinheiro não lhes falta. Esperamos que indemnizem também as famílias dos escudos humanos por eles utilizados..


Anonymous Anónimo said...

"Asians," of course, is UK mediaspeak for Muslims. These Muslim passengers don't seem to have been up to anything more than speaking Arabic, and no doubt all sorts of opprobrium is now going to rain down on the passengers' heads: cries of ingrained "Islamophobia," and calls by Muslim leaders and their willing Leftist stooges for some kind of institutionalized and nationwide "education" (i.e. propaganda) campaign to prevent this sort of thing. You can see in the full article here, not in what I have excerpted below, that this is already being called a "victory for terrorists" because it led the passengers to act "irrationally" and display "racism."

However, this is a manifestation of a mounting frustration among ordinary citizens. The passengers clearly didn't believe that PC authorities were able or willing to do proper screening, and were willing to risk the media firestorm that is sure to come, which will portray them as closet Hitlerians. No one is likely to note the simple fact that if authorities would come out of the PC fog long enough to do their jobs properly, this kind of thing would never happen.

domingo, agosto 20, 2006  

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